Our Story - About Amazing Trails | Amazing Trails Namibia

Our Story

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Our Story
Our Story

Background to Amazing Trails

Cyclist in Damaraland
Cyclist in Damaraland

Amazing Trails was created by Namibian explorers to facilitate Adventure Tourism in Namibia. Driven by our love for adventure and exploration within Namibia we connect adventurers, travelers, and active lifestyle enthusiasts to adventure trails and activities available in Namibia. Amazing Trails supports adventure trails and activities that are environmentally sustainable and non invasive. 

Stay on the Trail

Guy on Camping Chair
Guy on Camping Chair

AMAZING TRAILS connects adventurers and active lifestyle enthusiasts to the the beauty of Namibia by encouraging all to "STAY ON THE TRAILS".

The use of existing trails is crucial to preserve the untouched and pristine environment that supports various endangered species such as Black Rhino, Elephant, Lions and Leopards. By staying on the trails we ensure the preservation of the unique environment for future generations

Follow ancient, preserved and gravity defying tracks of zebra traversing mountains. Take the established routes left by mighty elephant crossing deserts. Track the foregone footpaths left by nomadic wanderers, indigenous tribes and the early industrial colonialists of yore.

These paths area AMAZING TRAILS!

AMAZING TRAILS are  records of pioneering journeys undertaken.

AMAZING TRAILS are beacons of survival, hope, dedication and perseverance.

AMAZING TRAILS belongs to everyone and are shared so that they are followed and maintained. 

AMAZING TRAILS are the paths to discovery and authentic experiences. 


Our Members

Thinking of signing up with Amazing Trails? When you sign up with one of our below options one of our staff members will upload 3 of your trails on your property. See the benefits and costing below.

Get your trails listed with us Contact us Member Options & Pricing

Equipment Rental

If you need to rent equipment, we probably have it! Getting out there is great, and outdoor adventure is food for the soul. But the costs can be daunting, especially if it’s a bucket list and you’ll never use all that specialist lit again.

Mountain Bikes



Sleeping Bags




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